On Thursday I was lucky enough to attend the Top Secret Interview with Nip + Fab President Maria Hatzistefanis and Nip + Fab's New Brand Ambassador Kylie Jenner in a Top Secret London Location.
As it was a very exclusive event, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to write the interview up for you guys, so you felt like you could've been there too!
So, here's the Exclusive Interview with MTV presenter and Nip + Fab Interview host Becca Dudley, Nip + Fab President Maria Hatzistefanis and the one and only Kylie Jenner..
Maria, Can you tell us why you chose the amazing Kylie Jenner to be the Brand Ambassador for Nip + Fab?
My handbag isn't as neat as everyone probably thinks it is, but I have so many Lip Liners. I can't leave the house without Lip Liner, and currently I have the Dragons Blood Serum Hydrator, because I love moisturiser.
Because you travel a lot, so you must need to keep on top of you skin?
I always have sunglasses, just in case, and chapstick.
Essential, Essential!
How about you Maria?
I have about 10 Lip Balms in my bag, I'm obsessed with having a lip balm all the time.
I use the Rodial Glam Stick which has a great coconut flavour, as I tend to eat my lip balms.
I keep sunglasses all the time for indoors as well.
I also like to have something with me to hydrate and I've been recently using the Dragons Blood Fix Mask if I have an emergency and it just plumps up the skin.
Lets talk Gym Bags as well so I don't know if you're a big gym go-er but is there something you automatically reach for after the gym?
I have no worked out a day in my life in like 2 years.
No way?
I know, I know it's really bag though, I'm going to start though for health reasons.
I feel like all the food I eat is catching up to me though!
I think you've got good genes so I think you'll be absolutely fine!
Believe it or not summer is around the corner bikini time is coming up!
What are you favourite holiday beauty must haves?
It's probably sunny all the time in LA though, over here we're like gearing up for our 20 Degrees.
I dye my hair lighter or something, but it's pretty much all the same in LA.
Is it literally hot all year round? I've never been to LA.
Yeah, it's only like 5 days out of the year that it rains.
It's really exciting!
Well at least it's not raining her in London this is a rarity.
It's not that cold here!
You've brought the sunshine with you Kylie!
Thank you.
So are you a festival go-er?
I do, I go to Coachella.
I've only been once so I'm not really a festival go-er, I've not got my badge.
Do you camp? Would you camp?
Oh no.
I had to ask!
So what are your festival essentials?
For this year, I want to do a crazy hairstyle or something, and then just like comfortable shoes!
Yeah, that is key!
Wet wipes, essential!
So finally, what's your ideal pampering day?
I love pampering days!
I usually just take a shower or a bath for like a couple of hours and just soak my whole body, get all my spray tan off. Then like, I dunno I love lotions! Again this whole Nip + Fab Yoga thing lotions are amazing! Then like masks, and I put my hair in coconut oil.
Do you get much time to sit back and chill?
Because it's quite a hectic life you lead.
Yeah it is kind of hectic but when I do it's nice!
Well I hope you get some more chill out time!
Before we go, let us know what're you up to next?
I have a lot of fun stuff coming up this year, so that's kind of cool.
I'm moving out in a second so that's awesome! It closed today, or yesterday.
So that is really exciting.
Other than that, I don't really know, you'll have to wait and see.
Thank you so much ladies and gentlemen!
Unfortunately that's all we have time for but it was awesome chatting to you.
Ladies and gentlemen give a big round of applause for the lovely Maria and the new Nip + Fab Ambassador, Kylie Jenner!
It was a really easy choice for me. Kylie is cool, edgy and really Chic, she's exactly what Nip + Fab is all about.
When she Instagram'd our product 9 months ago, our fans went crazy! So it really was an easy choice.
I spent some time with Kylie last night, we went to the London Eye and had lots of fun.
She is looking gorgeous, and she has travelled all the way from LA to come and meet her fans.
So are you guys ready for Kylie?
All right then! Lets do It!
Lets introduce her!
Everyone please make as much noise as you can for the new Nip + Fab Ambassador Kylie Jenner!
Hello Kylie, hello, hello.
Hi Kylie, Welcome you look amazing!
Kylie Jenner:
Thank you, Thank you!
Thank you so much for coming and chatting to us I think everyones really excited.
OMG, look how many phones there are out right now..
Kylie Jenner:
I'm all over everyones social media right now!
So you guys have been hanging out, you've been hanging out with Maria for the past 24 hours. What have you guys been up to and how're you finding London so far?
Kylie Jenner:
We went on the London Eye, I've never been so that was really cool.
Did you go day or night?
Aw, I bet it was beautiful.
I know, it really was, It was really fun.
Have you been on a night out yet in London?
We went to Mobu after that.
But I've only been in London once before.
Have you really only been to London once before?
Once before.
Oh wow!
Are you here for long?
No, its a busy day then I leave tomorrow morning. Crazy.
Wow okay, well lets talk a little bit about Nip + Fab.
So, how did you first come across the brand?
It was actually on a Photo Shoot someone was using the product, it was the Dragons Blood Fix and then I just found love.
Yeah, I've used that before it's pretty amazing!
It's really good!
Now, you're a massive style icon over here in the UK, I'm sure you know that.
Theres a lot of attention on what you're wearing everyday, and your style.
How does that feel to have so much attention on what you're wearing?
It's a lot of pressure. It's definitely a lot of pressure.
I've used the same stylist for like my whole life, Monica Rose. So I'm always with her like getting rid of all my clothes and starting over, so It's definitely a lot of pressure, but it's fun!
Do you feel like you can't really have any down days where you just nip to the shop?
Well every time that paparazzi or whatever catches me, I'm always straight out of bed in my sweats or anything so it's never good but, it's whatever.
You always look amazing so you're fine, you're fine!
Thank you!
Now I've always loved fashion and style, and I've always idolised someone like Kate Moss growing up someone that's sort of effortlessly cool and edgy and I feel like you guys (The Kardashian's) have that all going on as well.
But who have you idolised style wise growing up, and who's your style icon?
Style Icon now?
To keep it in the family, I love Kim and Kayne's style like they definitely inspire me the most.
North probably inspires me the most. But Kim and Kanye their style, I'm obsessed. Kim's always in the latest and newest stuff so I always look to her for advice and stuff.
Amazing, pretty good family to have style wise?
I know!
How about you Maria do you have a style icon?
Aw, I like that.
Also, we've all kinda dressing black! We didn't plan this by the way!
I know, red lips..
Yeah, yeah I know!
I'm feeling part of the crew!
We (Maria) have been talking shoes all morning!
Oh hello! I did not see those!
These are banging!
Thank you!
Feeling a bit out of place in my sneakers!
So, we were talking about style. Can you guys both tell me your definition of beauty?
Um, definition of beauty?
I mean I always think, outer wise when I see girls, I always think they're most beautiful when they're not really wearing anything. Like dewey skin, I always think like 'uh you're so pretty!'.
Like when there is a lot of makeup and stuff, like I'm obsessed with makeup so I'm not going to not wear any but I think it's really pretty when I see other girls wearing no makeup.
Like fresh face yeah.
How about you Maria?
Yeah I totally agree with Kylie.
It's all about effortless beauty, glowing skin and a healthy lifestyle, just basics.
So Kylie, can you tell us about your skincare routine.
Like I want to know everything. You know how long you spend on it at night, do you have a routine in the morning?
Because you have such great skin! What's the secret?
Thank you!
1. Nip + Fab and they generously filled my hotel room with like every product so I've been on a craze using everything but I use a lot of scrubs, their Yoga Scrub is really amazing with lavender. I like to use it before bed because it calms me.
But good moisturiser is good, and take your makeup off before you go to bed.
Sun cream on your hands and face.
Oh is that a thing?
On your hands as well?
Because you know you can tell someones age by their hands?
Well Khloe my older sister always told me to put sun cream on my hands.
So how does having great skin make you feel?
I mean it makes me feel great! Doesn't everybody.
Who wants bad skin? You know.
It gives you confidence I suppose.
For sure.
Do you think it's important to eat healthy to achieve that skin?
I think that is a huge part of it.
Drink a lot of water and stuff.
I always drink pressed juice, I drink a lot of pressed juice, like carrots and all that.
Yeah! I discovered this recently. I got a Nutri Bullet and I've noticed my skin looks so much better just from eating healthy and having healthy juices.
There was this article recently, about this girl who drank like an excessive amount of water for like a month straight or something, who never really drank water in her life, and she looks like 10 years younger.
Yeah, actually I did hear like 3 big litres of water a day is supposed to be amazing for you, but that's a lot of toilet trips..
That's so much water..
Maria, how do you maintain your luminous skin?
I eat a lot of protein, and fruit and vegetables. I love fish, and I'm mad about exfoliating.
I probably exfoliate around 3 times a day if I can, and I always use to Glycolic Fix Pads.
Morning, lunch and before I go to bed.
Wow, that's really good! I'm going to do that as well!
I'm going to copy whatever you guys are doing basically!
So Kylie, today you look so glamorous, amazing makeup!
What's your favourite day-to-day look?
I usually always do like the same lip colour.
Well everyone think I have like this one specific lip colour, but I have like 10 different nudes.
So probably like a nude lip colour and I can't live without my strip lashes, and that's probably it.
And do you have like a whole separate night time look, or do you try and keep it the same?
Kind of the same, but maybe with a bit of glitter.
I'm feeling the glitter, it looks awesome!
I can't stop looking at it!
So lets talk handbags!
My handbag isn't as neat as everyone probably thinks it is, but I have so many Lip Liners. I can't leave the house without Lip Liner, and currently I have the Dragons Blood Serum Hydrator, because I love moisturiser.
Because you travel a lot, so you must need to keep on top of you skin?
I always have sunglasses, just in case, and chapstick.
Essential, Essential!
How about you Maria?
I have about 10 Lip Balms in my bag, I'm obsessed with having a lip balm all the time.
I use the Rodial Glam Stick which has a great coconut flavour, as I tend to eat my lip balms.
I keep sunglasses all the time for indoors as well.
I also like to have something with me to hydrate and I've been recently using the Dragons Blood Fix Mask if I have an emergency and it just plumps up the skin.
Lets talk Gym Bags as well so I don't know if you're a big gym go-er but is there something you automatically reach for after the gym?
I have no worked out a day in my life in like 2 years.
No way?
I know, I know it's really bag though, I'm going to start though for health reasons.
I feel like all the food I eat is catching up to me though!
I think you've got good genes so I think you'll be absolutely fine!
Believe it or not summer is around the corner bikini time is coming up!
What are you favourite holiday beauty must haves?
It's probably sunny all the time in LA though, over here we're like gearing up for our 20 Degrees.
I dye my hair lighter or something, but it's pretty much all the same in LA.
Is it literally hot all year round? I've never been to LA.
Yeah, it's only like 5 days out of the year that it rains.
It's really exciting!
Well at least it's not raining her in London this is a rarity.
It's not that cold here!
You've brought the sunshine with you Kylie!
Thank you.
So are you a festival go-er?
I do, I go to Coachella.
I've only been once so I'm not really a festival go-er, I've not got my badge.
Do you camp? Would you camp?
Oh no.
I had to ask!
So what are your festival essentials?
For this year, I want to do a crazy hairstyle or something, and then just like comfortable shoes!
Yeah, that is key!
Wet wipes, essential!
So finally, what's your ideal pampering day?
I love pampering days!
I usually just take a shower or a bath for like a couple of hours and just soak my whole body, get all my spray tan off. Then like, I dunno I love lotions! Again this whole Nip + Fab Yoga thing lotions are amazing! Then like masks, and I put my hair in coconut oil.
Do you get much time to sit back and chill?
Because it's quite a hectic life you lead.
Yeah it is kind of hectic but when I do it's nice!
Well I hope you get some more chill out time!
Before we go, let us know what're you up to next?
I have a lot of fun stuff coming up this year, so that's kind of cool.
I'm moving out in a second so that's awesome! It closed today, or yesterday.
So that is really exciting.
Other than that, I don't really know, you'll have to wait and see.
Thank you so much ladies and gentlemen!
Unfortunately that's all we have time for but it was awesome chatting to you.
Ladies and gentlemen give a big round of applause for the lovely Maria and the new Nip + Fab Ambassador, Kylie Jenner!
And that's the end of the Interview, it was short and sweet but a lot of Jenner/Kardashian info in there we've all been craving the answers too!
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