This autumn I am obsessed with fragrance. From home fragrance to self fragrance, anything with a delightful smell I'm loving this season!
My followers will know, I'm currently loving candles too as well as purchasing many, many, many perfumes too recently and properly stocking up for the new year.
So when I came across Signature Fragrances and they offered to send me a sample I was intrigued and excited to hear about a new brand, and excited to receive a sample of a completely new fragrance.
Signature sent me their Lurre Fragrance Oil which undeniably smells beautiful.
Signature Frangrances' Lurre scent is pungently stunning and said to be "Golden, Fruits, Subtle, Modern and Unforgetable".
The thing that took me by surprise was as I first opened the sample tube I was shocked that it brought back a sharp and clean memory for me of my childhood of when my best friend as I use to go shopping at the weekends and spend our entire pocket money and all of the day in LUSH. The Signature Lurre Frangrance reminded me of those weekends instantly but has that subtle 'grown up' edge to it and actually is like LUSH in a bottle as a frangrance.. And when something reminds you of something special or memorable, you can't (and don't want to) stop smelling it!
Not that I need anymore frangrances really... With my current 8 bottle stash, but why not switch it up a bit?
I would love to get Lurre as a bottled fragrance and I would use it like I do my Burberry frangrances for evenings and weekends as everyone has that day time and evening scent they switch up for occasions, Lurre is that perfect evening addition to your collection.
Writing this I'm still smelling Lurre lingering, and that the best bit. It's a long lasting fragrance perfect for those shawls and jackets for your evening and weekends that the scent will hold onto, I really, really do love this scent.
Follow Signature Frangrances on Twitter and Instagram and follow their unique scents to unforgettable memories.
I'm quite a creative at heart and I love interior design, when that comes to one I love thinks to look appealing.
My addiction to B&W started when I fell in love with photography and from then on the love began and my Instagram took a B&W form and from then it stuck.
2. "What's your favourite highstreet brand at the moment?" - @SunflowerSundae
2. "What's your favourite highstreet brand at the moment?" - @SunflowerSundae
My favourite high street brand has to be Primark, it's my one stop shop on par with TK Maxx.
I love Primark and TK Maxx for their variety, from clothing to accessories and homeware too, and I love homeware!
I like being able to rely on shops for what I need, and I like knowing where to shop for a certain item, and most of all I love a bargain!
3. "Holy grail lipstick?" - @CopperGardenx
My holy grail lipstick has to be a toss up between my MAC Matte Russian Red for evening wear and my MAC Matte Velvet Teddy for daywear.
4. "How did you decide on a B&W theme for your Instagram and Blog?" - @DippyWritesBlog
I adapted a B&W Instagram well over a year ago now and I just love it! My signature photography style has been B&W for years now since I fell in love with photography.
When the request arose for my to start a blog, I thought; 'Why change now?'.
People loved my B&W Instagram, and no one else had a B&W blog, so I took the risk!
5. "What's your biggest pet peeve?" - @SunflowerSundae
My biggest pet peeves are a equal between repetitive noises/actions and (randomly) leaving the microwave door open.
6. "Who is your celeb crush?" - @HollyBobbinBlog
6. "Who is your celeb crush?" - @HollyBobbinBlog
I'm a huge celebrity follower and I love following the celeb lifestyle.
I have male and female celeb crushes.
Female: Kim Kardashian, Emma Stone & Rita Order
My blog was started after a constant persuasion from my Instagram followers and after a while I thought; 'What do I have to lose?'
My YouTube became a decision for me after meeting two of my dearest Blogger friends Albertine & Jess and after watching their videos and after their lovely persuasion and advice, Styled by Charlie's YouTube Channel was born!
8. "Chinese, Indian, Pizza or Fish & Chips?" - @HollyBobbinBlog
Pizza, Pizza, Pizza.
9. "Where would you like to be in a years time?" - @ChloesWay
Blogging wise, In a years time I'd like Styled by Charlie to have more post on Interiors, Design and Baking as well as Fashion and Beauty.
I love more people to find Styled by Charlie and hope they're inspired in the way of style and gain confidence to express their style further and have confidence in style choice.
Any further growth, establishment and recognition for Styled by Charlie would be amazing over the next year, I'd be so grateful!
Other than blogging, I'd love to be in the process of getting my own house.
10. "What camera do you use to take all your gorgeous pictures?" - @HollyBobbinBlog
I mainly use my iPhone 6 Camera however if at an event I will take my photography cameras; Nikon D90 and Nikon D800.
I do edit my pictures as a keen photographer, however that doesn't have to be difficult and can be done on an iPhone App like I do with all my images with the likes of the Photoshop Express App.
11. "What is the biggest obstacle you find when it comes to blogging?"- @ThePixieCut
The only obstacle I face when blogging is timing and arranging time for photographs and content.
As I work full time and blogging is a part time hobby it is difficult to find time to arrange posts, however I make it a first priorities as I adore blogging so much.
12. "What inspired you to start blogging?" - @Just_Jodess
12. "What inspired you to start blogging?" - @Just_Jodess
I've always has a passion for indivualitiy, fashion and style and thanks to social media all fashion trends and style are so much more accessible to us now with Instagram and Twitter as well as fashion Apps too.
My inspiration for Blogging came from Instagram followers and the people I follow that helped the inspiration in starting Styled by Charlie.
13. "Do you contour your cheekbones, if so what makeup do you use and what tips would you give your followers on the best ways to contour?" - @MyDangerousObsession
13. "Do you contour your cheekbones, if so what makeup do you use and what tips would you give your followers on the best ways to contour?" - @MyDangerousObsession
I do use makeup to enhance my cheekbones but nothing complicated, and I don't use expensive products.
My daily makeup is based on a base foundation from MAC, powder from MAC and highlighter concealer from MUA, bronzer/blush from MUA and highlighter powder from MUA.
All I do is use my foundation and powder and a base to even my complexion which creates a canvas to build on contouring and blending.
I then use my MUA conceler under my eyes to my temples, down my nose, top lip and chin then blending.
Then I use my £2 Bronzee from MUA down from my hairline over the cheekbones towards the nose and putting a small amount of blushes the top of cheekbones to.
To complete, following where I put the MUA conceler I put my MUA highlighter powder under my eyes, forehead, down my nose, top lio and chin.
That is how I comtour my face, I'd recommend watching Tanya Burr or other YouTube makeup tutorials to complete the look in confidence if you're unsure.
14. "Do you enjoy blogging, or do you find it demaning working with companies?" - @ThePollyPocket_
14. "Do you enjoy blogging, or do you find it demaning working with companies?" - @ThePollyPocket_
I wouldn't say it's demanding, I'd say it's very time consuming for part time bloggers to fit it in in busy lifestyles, and I would had to let a busy lifestyle affect my blog content or effort.
I find it amazing that companies want to work with me and for that I'm really grateful.
15. "What has been your favourite Autumn/Winter item you've enjoyed blogging about?" - @ThePixieCut
My favourite AW fashion and beauty styles are:
• Turtle necks
• Fur
• Dark Tones
• Layers
• Auntumnal Dark Tonal Makeup
16. "Is there a blogger that inspired you to start blogging?" - @FashionIsBlack
Actually yes, I followed Sarah Ashcroft, Charlotte Fisher, Amy Valentine etc however the blogger that actually inspired me to start blogging was Zoe Barson of Fashion Signal.
17. "Are you a Full Time Blogger, if not would you like to be?" - @CharlieRose11
I blog part time inbetween my busy full time working life as I work in sales and buying for a furniture and interiors company as well as photography and graphic design on the side, so my work lifestyle is jam packed.
But blogging has become a full time hobby for me and I live and breath my blog and am inspired daily by new trends and styles and really, really enjoy taking the time to express my love for Fashion and Beauty in my blog.
18. "What are you favourite high street stores?" - @FashionIsBlack
My favourite high street stores have to be Primark, Zara and TK Maxx.
19. "Do you have any other hobbies than blogging?" - @ThePixieCut
Photography, graphic design and interior design are huge hobbies for me. I've been interested in photography since I was 14 and I adore graphic designing from logos to montages as well as a more recent passion for interior design too.
20. "Who are your Top 5 Bloggers for inspiration and why?" - @MyDangerousObsession
• Tanya Burr - For her amazing YouTube channel of tutorials and vlogs, and her posts of Beauty, Fashion and Baking.
• Sarah Ashcroft, Megan Cawe & Yasmine Chanel - For their unique styles and the introduction of new brands I'm not already aware of for beauty and fashion from high street to designer brands.
• Megan Ellaby - Unique style perfection and perfect for ASOS lovers!
21. "Where do you get your style inspiration from?
Which social media platforms and which Bloggers?" - @Beth__Norton
My style comes from a lot of inspiration from vintage to new trends with a happy medium combination between the seasons.
The 5 bloggers above really influence my style in the way of finding the best place to find new styles and trends.
Regarding social media, celebrity fashion really influences my style and I stay up to date on a daily basis with new trends and styles to craze celebrity fashion and I stay regularly updated with Twitter and Instagram that really inspire my style and fashion choices.
22. "If you could only buy one makeup brand, which would it be?" - @DippyWritesBlog
23. "What online shops do you like to shop in?" - @IAmAlishaWhite
I love a bargain and a one stop shop, my favourite places to shop for fashion are Primark, ASOS and TK Maxx.
For beauty I really only shop in Superdrug, as they have such an amazing variety of brands and beauty/skincare options as well as the best, best offers and deals, especially Frangrance bargains.
24. "Glam, wealth or fame?" - @AStyleDByBanke
I've always craved my future to be a happy one, if that happens with glam, wealth or fame aslong as my family and I are happy and healthy, I am extremely grateful for whatever comes my way career wise.
We'll have to wait and see!
25. "What's your must have beauty product?" - @IAmAlishaWhite
My must have beauty product is a toss up between my eyebrow brush and eyebrow powder and my trusty MAC Studio Fix Fluid.
There's nothing better when the festive season is upon us than to grab your favourite apron and conjure up a new recipe!
I love baking! I'm not much of a sweet eater but I do love baking, which my boyfriend adores as my bakes are usually left all to him!
I love experimenting with bakes and ingredients and love challenging my baking knowledge without a recipe and instead, making my own!
So today, with cookies in mind to congratulate my man on his new job, I grabbed my mixing bowl and the challenge began!
My Giant Christmas Chocolate Cookies!
Charlie's Giant Choccy Cookies!
(To make 8 - 10 Giant Cookies)
300g 'Selfie' Flour (Self Raising)
200g Butter
300g Sugar
1 Egg
1 Large Table Spoon of Cocoa Powder
Splash of Milk
8 Bourbon Biscuits (Crushed)
1 and a half Tablespoons of Ground Almonds
Handful of Nesquik Chocolate Balls (Optional)
What's great about this recipe is I didn't have to go to the shops, all these ingredients were handily in my trusty baking cupboards and (an easy to remember) only 10 steps to the recipe!
So here we go!
Step 1: Measure out all your ingredients and Preheat your Fan Oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
Step 2: Add your Butter and Sugar together until they form a smooth consistancy.
Step 3: Add your Egg and mixed together with your Sugar and Butter mix until smooth.
Step 4: Take your 8 Bourbons and place in a tea towel wrapped tight. Use a rolling pin (or another utensil) to bash the Bourbons until crushed.
Step 5: Add Ground Almonds, Self Raising Flour, Cocoa Powder and splash of Milk together until it has no clumps and is smooth.
Optional Step 6: To add texture and surprise to your cookies, take a handful of some extra chocolaty goodies!
I've chosen to add some Nesquik Cereal Chocolate Balls to my mixture and a handful is enough.
Step 7: Mix everything together until mixed thoroughly and you're nearly there!
Step 8: Spoon 8 - 10 large dollops (or small if you want smaller cookies and double the quantity) of the mixture on a foiled baking tray and space as apart as possible.
Step 9: Place trays in the oven for approximately 15-20 minutes (Fan Oven at 200 Degrees Celcius) checking regularly as everyone's oven varies.
You're cookies won't look completely cooked when you take them out but that insures the desired perfect cookie middle!
If you've chosen to make smaller cookies they'll take less time!
Step 10: Take your cookies out of the Oven. My cookies took 20 minutes in my oven to cook, move onto a cooling tray and leave them to cool for 20 - 30 minutes before delving in and idulging in my Giant Christmas Choccy Cookies!
I hope you all enjoyed my first baking blog! I'd love to see if any of you try out my special baking recipe I've shared with you all so please, if you do bake my cookies tag me in your pictures on Twitter : @pallettBLOGGER or Instagram: @charliepallett and #StyledbyCharlieBaking.
Thank you!
Enjoy your cookies! 🍪❄️
On 13th I was lucky enough to be invited to Paul's Boutique Christmas Launch Event!
As you know I love PB, I love their new direction and their stunning range of bags and accessories and their new range doesn't disappoint.
The event was held at Westfield, London and the Searcy's Champagne Bar in Westfield's Village next to Paul's Boutique's Pop Up Shop there.
Being a country bumpkin I've never been to Westfield before, I was blown away! What a fantastic place to shop and what a fantastic setting! I was also blown away by the stunning Christmas decorations and lighting so if you're near Shepard's Bush Station any time soon, be sure to stop off at Westfield, and pop into The Village to see PB's amazing #NewDirectionPerfection selection!
(Poet and I didn't know it!)
See my PB #NewDirectionPerfection blog post here, and my AW14 Exclusive Styled by Charlie blog launch here.
The event began at 6 at the stunning Searcy's Champagne Bar where other bloggers and I mingled with the amazing company that is Paul's Boutique and all the amazingly genuine and adorable employees that make up the amazing company!
Searcy's was decorated in Paul's Boutique Balloons and Look Book images for all passers by to see, in close proximity to the PB Pop Up Shop!
It was also lovely to see Paul himself, to have the brain and face behind the amazing brand there with us all was great to see, and just highlights what an gorgeous close knit, genuine company Paul's Boutique really is.
It was great to learn how involved and appreciated each member of the team is and years on that Paul's is very, very much involved in all the decision you hope the brains behind the brand always is.
It was lovely to meet up with some of my Blogger friends from previous events and meet new bloggers too, as well as mingle with everyone else who attended and talk Blogs, Handbags, Beauty and Fashion!
I loved our cute little event area at Searcy's with the absolutely perfect champagne Christmas tree!
Yes, a champagne Christmas tree!
Now, for what you've all been waiting for... The collection!
I fell in love all over again, with bags I've not seen in the flesh before, and new pieces that are just divine.
One of my favourites in the collection have to be the new real leather and suede collection with some stunning monochrome styles which are like for forever bags, those bags you dream about and when you come to touch them are even better than you imagined!
What I love about these bags is how versatile they are, fair enough they're slightly higher pricesd than your average bag however they're not an average bag!
They're that versatile bag for life that is designed to perfection to suit all tastes!
There's a larger bag and a shoulder style envelope front style which to me is that perfect functional bag that perfect if you're a busy be or like to travel lightly.
I think this collection is fabulous for Paul's Boutique and truly shows their new direction to its full potential. These are the bags that will make your Mums cool, the bags your mum won't be scared to approach or feel to old to love, they're perfect for a wide range of ages, tastes, styles and occasions and they are FAB-ulous!
Paul's Boutique have also brought out another fabulous print range and what better than a snake print?
The perfect combinations of print and plains with stunning details!
One of my favourite things about the new PB ranges is the detailing, so many of the new collections have such exquisite detailing and on this particular range they have the most amazing subtle statement of gold studding which frames the print and makes it stand out.
These designs are a combination of subtle snake prints with statement studs or statement prints and plains.
Other styles feature studding too, such as this gorgeous beige bag with studding side panels with that subtle statement of studding and let the colour and finish be the statement rather than the accessory detailing.
However, with more of a statement there's the other design with a central studding design in more of a barrel design.
I love how PB have taken detailing to an amazing level in so many different style options to suit everyone.
Many of you will know how much I love fur, and how much of a must have it is this season.
Fur is so on trend this AW and Paul's Boutique are not letting us down with some stunning Faux Fur Bag designs for us to channel are inner animal with matching with our winter essential fur coat and fur booties.
Paul's Boutique are also offering more of the PB favourite finishes in different colours and design too!
One of the PB favourites and best sellers are definitely the patent finishes and Paul has bought out the most gorgeous nude tone in some new patent designs.
But it's not just the big statement bags available at the PB Pop Up Shop in Westfield's Village, the is much, much more from Paul's Boutique.
Such as their amazing selection of unique and functional designs such as their Reversible Clutches and Shopper Bags with a statement side and a subtle side for you to have a bag you can rely on for many outfit choices, such a FAB idea!
With smaller bag options too such as cute holdals and satchels in prints, patents and colour pop designs perfect if you're a light traveller or a small bag kinda girl.
Not only are PB offering bags but accessories as well with their new range on must have Leopard Print Scarves in two tone designs with monochrome a and plains, one for everyone with that must have animal print this season.
With most of the PB bags also comes a Paul's Boutique Keyring in many designs, which bring out certain aspects of the design be it neon tubing or a colour zip matching all the pieces together.
But you don't have to wear your Keyring on the bag, remove it and clip it to your purse for a clutch handle design or to your car keys to spread that PB love across your daily accessories.
The Paul's Boutique Pop Up Shop is located in the perfect place at Westfield and so easy to find, with (in my opinion) the best selection of PB on show with bags, scarves, satchels, clutches, purses, phone cases, iPad cases and more!
You're guaranteed to fall in love with the designs just like I have and purchase some and add the rest to your Christmas list!
I was so lucky to be gifted with a bag of my choice from my amazing Paul's Boutique Christmas Collection with the hardest choice of choices!
However I could not resist the Animal Print Maisy Bag that is perfect this season!
And what better to store my new PB baby in than the biggest, biggest paper bag I've ever owned!
So when I got home I couldn't wait to photograph my new PB baby and show you all to include in my event post...
The Maisy shape is the most popular Paul's Boutique shape that you're probably most familiar with however I only own Molly bags so I was really excited to own my first Maisy, and what better than Animal print combination?
The gorgeousness of the large snake print against the small in different shades make the best contrast with the stunning studding detailing breaking the prints, this bag is just to die for!
I cannot wait to style this bag with some distressed jeans, fur jacket and some winter chelsea boots for the perfect AW14 look!
Not only have Paul's Boutique added accessories to their amazing handbag range, but they've recently brought out a range that it totally my September/October/November/December and all of 2015 favourites.. That is the all new Paul's Boutique Beauty range!
So excited!
PB Beauty is amazing to die for makeup bags, false nails, nail wraps, kits and the most amazing brushes!
I have the large black leopard print makeup bag and brushes; Powder, blusher, foundation and my absolute favourite, they eye shadow brush.
The makeup bag is the perfect size to be a makeup or cosmetic bag or even your weekend away wash bag that even fits shampoo in it too.
The brushes are my favourite brushes on the market at the moment at such affordable prices and they're so pretty too!
They're coral and white with a two tone brush and the softest, softest ever!
The eyeshadow brush is my favourite brush I've ever used, I've never been confident with applying eyeshadow before but the Paul's Boutique shadow brush gave me the confidence to experiment with eyeshadow.
It's the perfect size and perfect for blending and layering eyeshadow to create fun looks and great to build natural tones to make the perfect smokey eye!
I had such fun at the #PaulDoesChristmas Event and it was so nice to be invited to a FAB event and lovely to meet and mingle with new Bloggers too!
So be sure to check out PB's New Christmas Collection as well as their new direction collection if you haven't already, because there are many, many, many pieces that are totally to die for!
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