23.12.15 Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 1XP, UK

I'm not really one for New Years resolutions, I like to use the entrance into a New Year as a mark for a fresh start and fresh outlook.

Since October my life has been manic with getting a puppy, buying my first home and deciding to complete renovate and update our first home before we move in.
Everything has felt completely crazy, and my blog suffered for a couple of months due to my manic life.

So with the New Year, a new Puppy,  New House, turning 21 and what feels like my first proper fresh start in life, It feels like the perfect time to freshen up everything.

So, heres to a New Blog Style, Theme, and Logo.
The NEW 2016 update for 
I hope you like it!

I started my Blog at 19 as a nervous 'Blogging Newbie' as a Fashion Blog, an extension to my Instagram really.
Then I became addicted to Blogging, I was obsessed with all things, everything Blogs!
I followed some amazing bloggers, new and established and was constantly inspired.
My blog quickly evolved into an inspiration zone of not only fashion but beauty, baking, recipes, and more recently - Interiors. 

I've decided that this is the perfect opportunity to update, upgrade and start fresh with New Content, New Topics, New Ideas, but still with familiar post from the old, as well as much, much more of the New and a hell of a lot of Interiors & Home Posts.

Thanks for coming on this new crazy journey with me.

I'm so grateful.

Have an amazing Christmas, and a very Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading!

Charlie xo


INSTAGRAM @charliepallett

© Styled by Charlie. Design by Fearne.