
I've have hooded eyes and find myself forever dreaming of that perfect slick black liquid eyeliner look that what seems like everyone else can pull off except me (without ending up with panda eyes).
Especially with beautiful humans like Adele rocking the look on her latest track 'Hello', I'm forever feeling like I'm seriously missing out because of the annoying shape of my eyes.

I've tried everything.
Pens, Brushes, Potted Liners, Pencils you name it. But nothing stays on and just smudges away looking awful.

Well Ladies (and very stylish Gentleman) I've found the perfect Liquid Eyeliner for our hooded eyes!

I used to always use the Eyeko Felt Pen Liner which worked well and is easy to apply, but wasn't very good on sweaty days, or without touch up.
Plus it's a lot more expensive and harder to get hold of.

In a recent Boots spree I picked up the L'oreal Black Lacquer Super Liner.
Firstly, the packaging is beautiful as most L'oreal products are beautifully packaged.
Secondly, it's under £10 and easy to get hold of in your local Drugstore.
Lastly, it's Jet Black in colour and easy to apply to with a shake and apply feature allowing you to get just the right amount of product for the perfect look.

The thin long tip allows you to be perfectly precise as well as starting of thin allowing you to build up the perfect thick liner look if desired which helps illuminate those oh so annoying inaccurate mistakes!
(Which those who've spent years try to perfect liquid eyeliner will only know too well!)

I highly recommend checking out the Loreal Super Liner in Black Lacquer for staying power, affordability and beating the hooded eye!

My everyday look using L'oreal Black Laquer Super Liner.
(Channeling my inner Adele!)
'Hello, It's me..'

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