This week I started Week 1 of my 11 Week #TransformationTuesday Series with Ex Army, Author and Personal Trainer Lucy Wyndham-Read.
How was it?
The first week was exciting!
I've been so motivated.
I found the diet plan really enjoyable and I've loved cooking and preparing all the healthy meals and snacks.
The exercise has been tough but fun! I've enjoyed working out daily and especially enjoyed the quite and easy HIIT Workouts on Lucy's Channel especially the Thigh and But Workout!
What have I eaten?
The average day has looked like:
Alpen Wholegrain Muesli Oats with Blueberries, Raspberries and Natural Yogurt
Mixed Bean Salad and Carrot Sticks with a Spoon on Hummus
Almonds and Rasins
Quorn Steak with Broccoli, Cauliflower and Peas
Up to 8 Glass of Water
What exercise have I done?
The exercise has alternated daily, which has kept me interested!
Doing short, sharp HIIT Workouts, feeling the burn and seeing difference already is so much more enjoyable and motivating that doing long, slow workouts.
21 Minute Interval Power Walk/Run
I'm doing this 3 Times a Week for the first 2 Weeks.
2 Minutes Fast Power Walk and 1 Minute Jog/Run.
Repeating 7 Times.
(My plan suggested a Fast Power Walk followed by an Extra Fast Power Walk. However I found this a little to easy as I wasn't getting out of breath or feeling the burn as much so I upped the Extra Power Walk to a Run/Jog)
3 Times a Week.
This is one of Lucy's handy Toning Workout Videos you can watch here.
A combination of But and Thigh exercise Toning Workouts from squats to star jumps all made enjoyable by Lucy's unique workout style, quirky exercise names and short, sharp intervals separated by 20 Seconds of Cardio.
What I love about it is how easy it is to find 5 Minutes out of your day to do a workout to tone problem areas.
3 Times a Week.
This is such a hardcore workout but made so much more doable by being 4 Minutes long.
Short, sharp and intense but over quickly which makes it an easy workout whatever your lifestyle.
Finding 4 Minutes of your busy day to get fitter is easier than you think!
Have I seen any changes?
This morning, on the 1 Week since I started mark I weighed myself.
I feel lighter and I've noticed a reduction in my stretch mark which I think is down to the But & Thigh Exercises!
I feel lighter and I've noticed a reduction in my stretch mark which I think is down to the But & Thigh Exercises!
I've lost 2 lbs! Which I'm really, really happy about.
If I can lose 2 lbs every week for 11 Weeks, I'll be ecstatic!
Thigh: No Change
Calf: No Change
Arm: -0.5 inch
Waist: -1.5 inches
Hips: -0.5 inch
Bust: No Change
Boobs: -1 inch
Total Loss: 3.5 inches
Losing 3.5 inches in 1 Week is so amazing. I'm so pleased.
I can't wait for my New Diet Plan to Start and Next Week I'll receive a New Workout Plan!
What's Next?
For Week 2 my Diet Plan changes with updated Meals, planned by Lucy.
Example Monday:
Coconut Porridge with Raisins
Grated Carrot, Grated Apple with Poppy Seeds and Lime Juice
Lentil Soup
Peanut Butter and Banana Slices
Wholewheat Pasta with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Basil Pesto
I'm so pleased with Week 1 Results!
Let me know if you've tried any of Lucy's Workout via her YouTube Channel, I find them so helpful.
See you next week with my #TransformationTuesday Week 2 Results!
Thanks for reading!
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Snapchat: CharliePallett
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